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SF83 gives more spending oversight back the state legislature and prevents the office of the governor from approving large energy spending projects from any "slush funds" found in the budget without the approval of our state legislators. This includes any large green energy boondoggles.

Specifically this bill will make sure government entities have to report to the joint appropriations committee on awards of state funds for large energy projects for which the total amount of state funds sought or previously awarded equals or exceeds four hundred thousand dollars ($400,000). They will also have to seek legislative approval that follows specific guidelines.

Navigate to the Bill Tracker to view report & approval guidelines outlined in this bill.

ABOUT THE BILL: AN ACT relating to the administration of the government; creating the large energy project funding program; providing requirements for large energy projects; requiring legislative approval for large energy projects; providing definitions; making conforming amendments; specifying applicability; and providing for an effective date.

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